
1. Terms of use

The information on this site may not be published, rewritten or rereleased in any format whatsoever unless with Multiline's prior written consent. Use of our services implies that visitors to the Multiline website tacitly agree with the following terms and condition of use.

2. Intellectual property rights

The user explicitly acknowledges that the provided information and data are and remain the property of Multiline and undertakes not to make any changes.

The whole or partial presentation, reproduction, distribution, sale, division, publication, adaptation and use for commercial goals in any way whatsoever of Multiline and its content is prohibited without the prior written consent of Multiline. It is also prohibited to save or use this information electronically for illegal purposes.

3. Liability

Multiline cannot be held liable for any malfunctions, interruptions or mistakes in the electronic publication of information.

The provided information is based on the information provided by trusted sources and detailed analysis. Therefore, Multiline does not guarantee the correctness, completeness or suitability of the information, whatever the use may be.

Multiline is not liable for any decision or action whatsoever by the user based on the provided information or data; nor is it responsible for errors or mistakes. Multiline is not liable either vis-à-vis the user or third parties for any suffered direct, indirect, incidental damage, loss of profit, loss of opportunity or any other damage caused by its negligence or forgetfulness in the providing, compiling, assembling, writing, interpreting, reporting and disseminating of information or data through this service, even if Multiline had been warned about this.

Multiline may have added a link to a website that may be interesting for the user. This link is purely informative and Multiline is not liable for the content or the use that is made of this link.

If a provision of these conditions cannot be enforced or conflicts with a mandatory provision, this lack of enforceability or invalidity shall not effect the validity and enforceability of the other provisions.

Our contact details:
Multiline Licht nv
Europaweg 1
3960 Lummen
+32 (0)11 45 02 60